Risk Control and Margin Call Policy Notice

In an effort to make sure that our traders are as knowledgeable and as responsible for their own trading as possible, we are providing this notice regarding our Risk Control and Margin Call Policy. To be clear, we define a margin call as follows:

A margin call is a notice from us to you that you are holding an open position in a product but your account balance is not sufficient to maintain this position without exceeding the exchange’s or our minimum collateral requirements.

In a margin call situation, you are either required to:

  1. Deposit more funds into your account to maintain your position
  2. Reduce your position so that your account is properly margined
  3. Close or liquidate the position completely to move your account balance to cash

As a trader, you should know the margin requirements for the product you are trading. We generally do not take action on margin calls unless the product you are trading is approaching the close of the day (i.e. 4:00 PM CT for index products, etc.) and we are required to ensure that you have at least the initial or maintenance margin required to hold the position. If you do not have that initial or maintenance margin, you will have a margin call on your account.

For a list of products and their required margins, please visit the CME Group site linked here and filter for your product. The amount shown in maintenance margin column is the minimum per contract that you will be required to have in your account to hold a position through the close. If this is the first day you are holding the position or you have day-traded in the same product that day, you must meet the initial margin requirement instead. The initial margin requirement is 110% of the maintenance margin. For more details, please visit this page on our website.

What We Do During a Margin Call

In the situation where there is a margin call against your account, the following may take place:

  1. We may attempt to contact you, on a best-effort basis, via telephone or email to warn you of the potential of a margin call. Again, we do this on a best-effort basis, but this is not guaranteed
  2. If we feel that there is a significant risk to us and to yourself if you hold a position through settlement, we may put your account on “liquidate-only” and may close the position to remove the potential of a margin call
  3. If a position is not properly margined, the position will be partially or fully be closed.
  4. If we are forced to close the position on your behalf, your account will subject to margin & liquidation fees (see below)
  5. If an account has a position that goes into settlement with insufficient margin, then the clearing firm may put a liquidate-only lock on the account automatically during the following trading session. This lock will remain in effect until the account is properly margined at the next end of day settlement. Please note that following a Margin Call Lock, your account will not automatically return to trading status. Please contact your broker to remove the lock

We do our best to not allow margin calls to remain open through the weekend. Please be advised that we will likely close your position 15 minutes prior to a holiday or weekend at the end of the session without notice.

Why We Do This

We hold risk control as the highest value a trader can have towards the business of trading. We expect that all of our traders will be in control of their positions and losses at all times. When a trader is not responsive to our notice or is not closing a position prior to settlement, we have to assume the worst and take appropriate steps to protect all parties involved.

Furthermore, when a trader’s account does not have sufficient margin, then the clearing firm has to put up those funds to satisfy the exchange requirements. Forcing a clearing firm to put up collateral to the exchange for a position that you are holding is not the way we wish to treat our partners and is not good business practice.

The Bottom Line

Know your margin requirements and close positions that don’t meet those requirements by the end of the session. We prefer that you are always in control.

Currency Conversions

Trading accounts generating an FX exposure are reviewed by our Risk Desk team.  Any accounts at risk for a debit due to currency fluctuations are converted periodically to avoid a potential debit in your trading account.  The clearing firm, at which your account is held, may charge a conversion fee.

If you carry a debit balance in any currency, the clearing firm may charge a monthly interest rate to your account. If you carry a credit balance in a currency where the risk-free interest rate is negative, the clearing firm may also charge a monthly interest rate on that balance. Please contact us for more information on specific charges.

Margin & Liquidation Fees

  • Margin Call   ($50)*
    If your account goes below the necessary margin for a contract you are actively trading, your account will be charged a margin call fee of $50 per contract. Any open positions that do not meet the Exchange Maintenance Margin Requirement 15 minutes before the market close will be subject to margin call and liquidation. *Additional margin call fee may be charged by the FCM. (Futures accounts only)
  • Liquidation Fee   ($25 – $50)*
    If you have not met your margin call and we are forced to liquidate your position, a liquidation fee of $25 per contract will be charged to your account. Any open positions that do not meet the Exchange Maintenance Margin Requirement 15 minutes before the market close will be subject to margin call and liquidation. *Additional liquidation fee may be charged by the FCM. (Futures accounts only)
  • Order Desk    ($5+)*
    For call-in orders, $5 per contract with a maximum of $25* per ticket.

Risk Rules – Special Circumstances

  • During times of high market uncertainty and expected volatility (for example, an election or large geopolitical event), Stage 5 may require accounts to deposit more than the exchange-required initial margin to hold positions.

Negative Account Balance Risk Reminder

This is a reminder that all clients accept full responsibility and risk for all trades placed in their account.  The client is solely responsible for any trading losses – including any negative account balances that may result from such losses.  For example, in the event a market experiences a large move and trading is halted, the client is responsible for all losses.

There is a substantial risk of loss in trading futures, options and forex. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Margins are subject to change at anytime without notice. All material herein was compiled from sources considered reliable. However, there is no expressed or implied warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of this material. Published testimonials have been provided by individual customers. Testimonials regarding past performance are no guarantee of future results and may not be representative of the experience of all other customers. Web page translations have been provided electronically by a non-registered third party. We are not responsible for any incorrect translations. Apex Futures is a division of Global Futures & Forex Inc. (GFF Brokers). GFF Brokers does not endorse any third party sites or links, unless specifically stated by GFF. Links to GFF from a third party website should not be considered an endorsement by GFF or any of its employees. The products and services offered on a third party website linked to GFF are not offered or owned by GFF unless indicated, and GFF cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided by these third party websites. When advertising on third party websites, GFF will not be responsible for the content of other advertisers or the content of the third party website.

ApexFutures, a division of GFF Brokers, 5755 Las Virgenes Road Suite C Calabasas, CA 91302